This show has brought me so much joy during all this pandemic darkness. Every character is a fully defined person with flaws and quirks that make it so easy to get invested in each one. I've never seen a show so fun and genuinely funny. It has so much heart and passion. Please do not cancel the show. I want to see what happens next. This show is one of a kind and is more than worthy of a new home.
Linda D. Gentile – Indiana
June 28, 2020
Subject: got hooked
Got hooked on this show. Fun, romantic. Wonderfully cast! I would really like to see how the story continues!
Howard Brodsky – Toronto Canada
June 27, 2020
Subject: The Baker and the Beauty
A Wonderful Show........... I looked forward to seeing it on TV, and truly loved it .So Sad, as it was special and different TV has become cop shows fireman shows , or hospital shows etc etc ...and while they have their place too ..this show brought a light hearted happiness, unique and appealing ..and given the times its exactly what is needed and what TV is lacking ...It fills a need in those that believe in happiness and a hopeful future....given the outcry its obvious this was poplar show who had a bleepty time well as COVID-19 taking over the world and interfering in all our lives........ and yet look at the outcry ...obviously there is something very special about this entertaining wonderfully written show that has left us all wanting ....Why would you cancel that ?????? I think it is very close to 150,000 signatures to save the show....somebody who picks this show up will hit a home run ....considering the ground work has been laid and has a growing dedicated audience all set up ........ I hope it is renewed as many I know as well as myself and my family truly appreciated it .
June 25, 2020
Subject: Save The Baker and The Beauty
The show is currently a one of a kind...Latin cast focused on culture but diverse and inclusive of everyone. The show is rich with each character having success and set backs with their personal goals. In the end, all are supportive of each other. No one has a hidden agenda to tear anyone down. The show is uplifting and optimistic that leaves you waiting for the next show so NEED A SEASON 2! So tired of shows focused on shallow topics: greed, materialistic goals and narcissistic characters.
Rita Kane – Florida
June 24, 2020
Subject: The Baker and The Beauty
Please do not cancel this show! I look forward to every show and enjoy watching it! My family especially enjoys the South Florida vibe and the actors do an excellent job! DO NOT CANCEL. We want to see what happens next!! Thank you.