Please save Council of Dads. This show is a gut grabber. This show is ahead if not even in my book to This is Us! Now that is radical I know.
Carol Ann – New Hampshire
July 30, 2020
Subject: Council of Dads renewable
There is so little on network TV worth watching. Council of Dads was an exception. The show was a positive portrayal of the values needed by people today - commitment to family, friends and community. Lastly, it showed tolerance, respect and love for all living beings including the family's dog that was rescued during the hurricane. Please reconsider a different time slot, day or what competitive networks were showing at the same time.
Clark kostner – Leawood, ks
July 23, 2020
Subject: Keep council of dads
I am 75 and really liked this show. In fact looked forward to it with anticipation. I feel it’s good enough to be picked up if you do indeed drop it. Please keep it for its continuity now with viewers.
July 21, 2020
Subject: Being back Council of Dads
It is ridiculous to expect a show to pick up an audience in the middle of a pandemic with only 10 episodes. So much representation is worth another go and a full season to allow people time to discover this gem.